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Teaching to
Methods &
Statistics in Psychology

2024 Virtual Conference
December 11th & 12th 

10am -2pm Pacific Time

The PsychTERMS conference will bring together instructors of research methods and statistics in psychology for a virtual two-day interactive event. This conference is for instructors who: 

  • teach or are planning to teach research methods or statistics to undergraduate students.

  • are new or seasoned instructors of undergraduate research methods or statistics. 

  • want to learn more about novel, inclusive, and inspirational ways of teaching research methods and statistics. 

  • have well tested or evidence-based activities, assignments, or policies for effective teaching of research methods and statistics to share.

  • support students' critical thinking about research methods and statistics across the psychology curriculum, including in content courses.

Conference Themes

Audience and Lecturer

Interactive Teaching Demonstrations

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Teaching

Equitable Course Policies

Writing with Pen

Engaging Course Assignments

Computer with Graph

Innovative Course Activities

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Sponsored by:

APA's all-digital courseware that immerses students and personalizes learning

—now available for Research Methods and Statistics courses. 

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