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Call for Submissions

Submissions should fit into one of the conference themes, and can include course-ready examples, classroom tested techniques or approaches that engage students, pedagogical approaches or innovations that motivate students and support learning, and/or effective teaching practices or assessments of instructional effectiveness. For your submission, consider the course context (e.g. course goals) and which format might be better to present your work (Presentation or Poster). 


Course context to consider for your submission: 

Research methods in psychology 

  • Early knowledge and skills (novice learners; typically lower division)

    • Including work relevant to courses that focus on learning to consume research, introduction to critical thinking and scientific reasoning, research terminology

  • Experience with producing research (experienced learners; typically upper division)

    • Including work relevant to courses that focus on learning to produce research, scientific writing, student presentations


Statistics in psychology

  • Early knowledge and skills (novice learners, typically lower division)

    • Including work relevant to courses that teach foundational statistical concepts, computations, and beginner analytic software skills

  • Experience with statistical analyses and data interpretation (experienced learners; typically upper division)

    • Including work that covers advanced conceptual and computational knowledge, advanced analytic software skills, and interpretation and writing of results


Content courses

  • Supporting research methods and statistics thinking in context

    • ​Including work integrating research methods and statistics literacy across the psychology curriculum


Conference themes to consider for your submission: 

  • Interactive Teaching Demonstrations and Compelling Examples 

  • Engaging Course Assignments

  • Equitable Course Policies

  • Innovative Course Activities 

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Teaching

  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Presentation formats: 

Presentations (20-min concurrent virtual talk) 

  • The presentation can focus on effective pedagogical aspects or approaches you use to teach research methods or statistics courses. The presentation should cover: (i)  why you have made these particular pedagogical decisions related to the topic and (ii) illustrate how they work in the context of the course. This format is best for presenting course-ready assignments or examples, pedagogical approaches or innovations that motivate students and support learning, and will likely include evidence of effectiveness and/or a connection to learning science/evidence based pedagogy.


Posters (60-min time in a shared virtual space, Gather, with a roaming audience): 

  • During the poster session you will be using a virtual environment to share a static infographic or poster and interact with other conference attendees via live video and audio or text chat. This format is best for more casual sharing and conversations about your resources, demos, creative use of textbooks, in class experiments, projects ideas, and useful data sets.


To apply click on the application link below. For scheduling purposes we ask that you limit your submissions to two submissions per presenting author.​ If you have any questions about submitting please email: 


APA-sponsored prizes will be awarded for the best presentation and poster.


The deadline to submit has passed.





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APA's all-digital courseware that immerses students and personalizes learning

—now available for Research Methods and Statistics courses. 

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